Sunday Holy Qurbana

World Grandparents Day- Plenary Indulgence (ദണ്ഡവിമോചനം): The fourth World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, instituted by Pope Francis, will be celebrated this Sunday, July 28, 2024. On this occasion, plenary indulgence will be granted to all those who participate with a true spirit of penitence and charity. This includes partaking in the sacrament of Confession, receiving Holy Communion (Eucharist) and spending some time with the elderly and caring for them. 

Feast of St Alphonsa: The official feast day of Saint Alphonsa, the patroness of our Parish, will take place this Sunday, 28th July. For all families to partake in the feast together, there will only be one Holy Qurbana for each centre. It would also be really great if you could bring some nercha to share with others following Holy Qurbana.


28 Jul 2024


9:00 AM
St Stephen's Church, Reservoir


St Stephen's Church, Reservoir
71 Whitelaw Street, Reservoir

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